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MELPOMENE, Muse of Tragedy.

Black glass, Wet Plate Collodion by the Master Dave Shrimpton

Me and Dave have started a new series in wet plate… the portrait of the nine Greek Muses and Melpomene was the first one. We had no idea how she was going to look like, besides that She would be holding an owl mask done by me.

The wonderful dress, this masterpiece of a dress, made by the stunning Jean Gurvin, an amateur Dramatic Actress and as Dave told me when I asked him to tell me a bit more about her life: she loved life, cigarette, whiskey and “was one of the most glamorous women I’ve ever met.”

Portraits of Jean, from long time ago.

The Self Portrait that Dave Shrimpton took in red safe light (which is hella difficult if you even just a little bit about Analog, Dark rooms and wet plate.........)

Tintype, Wet Plate Collodion.

To finish, I also wrote a Poem for Melpomene and Jean and it goes like this:

Theatre, by Moon Child

Oh the theatre!

The plays, the stage,

The music, the lights,

Oh how the lights warm my back and head!

Oh the people from the theatre!

How delightful and hedonistic and wild they are!

Oh the people from the theatre!

How they undress and dress all over again!

How delightful is their laugh,

Their loud cry and the way that they make love.

Oh, the people who dance from one character to another…

How they make love!

How I love the dance of those shadows entertaining,

Persuading the parts of me to reveal and be free.

Oh how I love the people that burst into stars!

Over and over and over again…

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